Machine 2 Machine

A system of devices

M2M is a technology that allows two devices to exchange data over mobile networks in a independently way.

Through the use of SIM M2M any object can be connected to the network and thus be able to submit information and collect / process data from other devices.
The technology can be applied to a fairly wide range of devices, such as energy sensors, environmental sensors, appliances, sensors for automotive applications, etc.
The M2M market in recent years is evolving rapidly: becoming a driving force for innovation in our cities, homes, cars and workplaces, and its potential is recognized by leaders in every industry, where it is used to fully transform companies.

Some areas of interest

  • Agricolture: process and productivity optimization
  • Smart Utilities: remote reading of meter data via GPRS
  • Environmental monitoring: monitoring over a cellular network of interconnected sensors
  • Security: live-stream video, alarm verification
  • traffic control: traffic signals using a connectivity platform
  • Health care: solutions for remote monitoring of the health condition of the patients.